Become a Member

Expand Your Impact Insider's Club is a global platform for 5D entrepreneurs who feel called to participate in co-creating more 5D Consciousness on the planet with their unique work. 

By providing members access to best-in-class education and a supportive community, we're a trusted source for anyone who wants to Expand Your Impact & Income.

Our network is made up of entrepreneurs who are looking to share advice, resources and partnership opportunities with other like-minded individuals.

Our Next Insider's Challenge Begins...


Want to quantum leap your impact & income? We got you.  Our Expand Your Impact Insider's PRO Membership will put you on the fast track to profiting from your unique purpose.

Full access to the Expand Your Impact Insider's Vault with over 10,000 hours of expert content
Attend all the Expand Your Impact Virtual Events for Free + Discounts on Courses, Mentorship & Coaching
Members only perks including private group coaching with Expand Your Impact Founder, Mande White-Pearl, Members-Only Directory, Platform Shoutouts, and discounts from our partners.
Coming January 2023


Entrepreneurs come to us for our Weekly 5D Magic Wand Challenge & stay to network with other 5D minded entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Weekly 5D Magic Wand Challenge Participation which will show you how to COACH YOURSELF through ANY type of drama or trauma that causes you stress & anxiety! ($3,000 Value)
Beta Course Participation in The Ultimate Guide to 5D P.R.O.F.I.T.S.  - 7 Foundational Tools to Activate Your Magic Wand and Start Creating a Life & Living Beyond What You Ever Thought Possible  ($997 Value) To Be Released November 1,2022.
Social Networking Outside of the Metaverse, which means you're free to speak truth on subjects big tech traditionally sensors.

What Members Say

Mande taught me how to use my 5D magic wand to ask for $10,000 and get it! I can't believe I was charging so little before.

Marcella S.

Mande taught me how to use my 5D magic wand and generate more in a month than I made the previous year - $36,000.  My life will never be the same.

Anne P.

Using my 5D magic wand I've actualized amazing clients, trips with my family, gifts of cash out of no where and more ease with my body!

Leah J.

A New Way to BE the 5D Change!

This community is for you if you're ready to change the world from the inside out.  Be More 5D. Do Less 3D Shit.  Consider this your invitation to participate in the co-creation of a new reality. A reality without fear, separation or lack. A reality anchored in a deep goodwill towards all creatures.  A change to create Heaven on Earth. Are you ready to accept the invitation?

$3,000 Value Included FREE With Membership

5D Magic Wand Challenge

Do you experience 3D vibe emotions (anger, shame, guilt, disappointment) about your wealth, health or relationships?
Are you ready to create a dramatically different 5D vibe emotional reality where love, joy and peace abound?
Would you be willing to allow your ANXIETY to turn into AUTHENTICITY?
Can I have 15-30 minutes each week for some serious personal growth through creativity & play?
Are you ready to stop feeling wrong for being you? Wrong about your body? Wrong for the family or community you've been a part of?

Next Challenge Starts...

Why Should You Join the Expand Your Impact Community?

Over the course of the next few weeks we'll be sharing simple exercises that will help to rewire your heart, body & brain out of the drama & trauma loop it's stuck in! 

Here's a sneak peak at the content we'll be covering in our weekly 5D Magic Wand Challenge events.

Not only will you be guided through doing the inner work to BE the 5D Change but you'll be supported by a community of other 5D entrepreneurs.

Next Challenge Starts...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Expand Your Impact Insider's?

Expand Your Impact Insider's is a global platform for 5D entrepreneurs.  By providing our membership access to best-in-class education and a supportive community, we're a trusted source for any entrepreneur looking to change the world from the inside out.

What is a PRO Membership?

Expand Your Impact Insider's PRO membership includes all the benefits of a Community Membership, plus access to our video library, free entrance to all online events, private group coaching, membership discounts and more!

Who Is This For?

Anyone looking to level up consciously and financially.  Freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs, small business entrepreneurs or soon-to-be-entrepreneurs.  If you want to BE the 5D Change, this is for you!

Join By December 31, 2022 and Receive A Free Gift ($997 Value)

The Ultimate Guide to P.R.O.F.I.T.S.

Are you skilled at problem solving but constantly find yourself with new problems to solve and recognize how exhausting it is?
Are you quick to use your powers of judgement for 'good' but also equally good at beating yourself up or feeling like something is wrong with you?
Are you ready to unplug from the matrix that supports more polarity (right/wrong, good/bad)?
Are you aware of energy and desire to live life from more EASE, JOY & FLOW?
Are you aware of how powerful you could be, but surrounded by a lot of drama & trauma realities right now?
Are you tired of trying to DO everything yourself and ready to give up the hustle?

This course will introduce you to 7 foundational tools activate your magic wand to create a life & living beyond what you ever thought possible through your journey as a 5D entrepreneur. It will be released to the EYI Insider's Membership on Tuesday, January 10, 2022.

Next Challenge Starts...

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